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North West England District

Launch Service
To be held on Saturday 31st August 2024 at 2.30 pm at Victoria Hall, Bolton (BL1 2AS). A celebration of five districts becoming one and a welcome service for the District Chair and wider District Team. The President of Conference will preach, with the Vice-President and Secretary of Conference also in attendance.

Equip webinar series
A monthly opportunity at 7.30 pm, for an hour, to find out what is happening with the preparations for the new district and to meet some of the people involved. See the attached advert for dates and Zoom details.

Volunteer Opportunities
In order to populate and staff the various proposed groups and roles in the new District there is a request for Expressions of Interest to be made. A video explaining more about this can be viewed here:

There are three documents to help facilitate this which can be found on the opportunities page:

Chair of District
Following joint DPC and Synod Votes in early November the nominated Chair of the new District with effect from 1st September 2024 is the Revd Dr James Tebbutt. Please see the statement attached.


District Celebration – Save the Date
On Sunday 14th July at Penrith Methodist Church there is to be a final District event. It will begin at 3.30 pm with a short time of worship and include a time of sharing memories and experiences, a tea and a service at 6 pm. Please book the date and come to share in this time of celebration for the life and work of the District. Poster attached with booking link (required for tea only).

© 2024 – Cumbria Methodist District